viernes, 26 de febrero de 2010

Dragon Age: Origins

Good news, I'm about to post my first review, it will be about dragon age, one of the best games this year, the review will be up as soon as I finish the game at 100%.

jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010

Quimera Tutorial

Well, here's a video I made... it's my first video, I know it suck and all but I was kinda nervous... enjoy, by the way, feel free to bash it on the comment section. :)

martes, 23 de febrero de 2010


Snow ball!!!!! God damn I wish I had this thing as pet... I wouldn't need a car anymore =D plus no more gas... i'd just feed him with emo kids.

Web realms.

Well this is from a very interesting read, its on spanish but you can use an autotransaltor. its about the digital world, and all the diferent categories it can divided into. its an old text. but it pretty much resumes everything we now about the web on the present day. theres a part about the metaworlds and virtual worlds... about how the meta were considered just and expansion of the chats, but now they are much much more that that. becoming almost like second lives, good examples of this could be Final Fantasy XI or World of Warcraft. it also talks about the "peer to peers" the way we share our infromation, the chats and how have they evolved. the bulletin boards and how they are all around the webs. the Newsgroups, also known as forums, the history of the e-mails, and the "www" the web itself.

viernes, 19 de febrero de 2010

the last dinner.

I found this around the interweb... i think is pretty interesting... and gory lol. Who doesn't love gore??!! theres never enough of it. =)


This is one of my personal favourites.. I call it andremelech. yeah I had nothing better to do at 3a.m... but it was well worth it :) I just hope I had one like this as pet...

martes, 9 de febrero de 2010


Alright... I know its not as good as the Boris vallejo's one... but damn my hand did hurt lol... too much damn detail lol...

Boris vallejo

This paintng is form the famous illustrator Boris Vallejo, I really like this image cuz its artistic and classic but so modern at the same time... this could fit on any fantasy videogame cover...

lunes, 8 de febrero de 2010

Dragon age Warden's Calling Trailer

Ok heres my first post.. its about one of the most badass trailers I ever seen... everything, from the superb CGI animation to the awesome rock music, the game itself is nothing out of this world. but the trailer sure is... anyway is the only viseo i got available atm lol.... Enjoy.

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2010

Welcome to my world.

This blog will be used as a gate to connect both the worlds of videogames and arts, the blog will be written mostly in english due to international issues, and this way more ppl around the world will be able to enjoy its content, this blog will be updated with pics of my draws, other art of my favorite artists, it will be also contain tons of pics about videogames, and reviews of such.