martes, 23 de febrero de 2010

Web realms.

Well this is from a very interesting read, its on spanish but you can use an autotransaltor. its about the digital world, and all the diferent categories it can divided into. its an old text. but it pretty much resumes everything we now about the web on the present day. theres a part about the metaworlds and virtual worlds... about how the meta were considered just and expansion of the chats, but now they are much much more that that. becoming almost like second lives, good examples of this could be Final Fantasy XI or World of Warcraft. it also talks about the "peer to peers" the way we share our infromation, the chats and how have they evolved. the bulletin boards and how they are all around the webs. the Newsgroups, also known as forums, the history of the e-mails, and the "www" the web itself.

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