viernes, 26 de marzo de 2010

Enemy of the Year.

Goddamn.. why would this giant turtle get such an award? simple. The Adamantoise from FFXIII is a common beast, you can find them normally on large groups , its probably one of the biggest monsters on history of gaming, and... well it has literally million and million of HP... near 60,000,000 actually. Sure, theres actually a stronger enemy on the game. But its the game optional superboss. This guy is a damn common monster for god's sake, It's actually much much much stronger than the game final boss, I'v already beaten the game twice and still can't stand a chance against an Adamntoise. They can inflict over 10.000 points of damage to the whole team. while your team members barely have like 7,000. Enemy Of the Year. you deserve it Adamantoise!!!

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