jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010

White Knight Chronicles: Review.

All right, the long awaited JRPG has arrived. but does it lives up to its expectations?

Developed by the renowned creators of Dark Cloud and Dragon Quest franchises, Level 5 Studios bring up their so Hyped next gen RPG, unfortunately White knight Chronicles is nothing else than a bland and repetitive experience hidden under a good story, a superb presentation and some like able characters.

All right, lets start with the pros, first, the presentation is impeccable form the opening CGIs to the incredible overall design, the animations are top notch some textures seems kinda washed out but considering the size of the areas u'll explore its completely understandable, the towns around the world are some of the most lively and vast ones you'll be able to explore on any current gen RPG, almost every NPC on the game has something to say, though they basically repeat the same dialog again again, its a fresh change after all those mindless FPS that have been plaguing the market over the last few years.

Almost on par with the presentantion, it's the story, though is more or less the typical anime cliche of "The choosen one", the game manages to immerse the player with it's incredible narrative, which at certain point makes him feel emphaty with the characters.

At first the game game will let you create your own avatar who will be used through the main campaign, and the online mode.

Not long after the introduction, your avatar will join Leonard, who is actually the game protagonist, yes, your avatar is merely an extra on Leonard's quest.

During an average day of work, leonard is asked to make a delivery to the town's castle, this is where things gets ugly, some crazy guys called "The Magi" attack the castle with the intensions of killing both the king and the princess. After the success of killing the king, Leonard and his friends quickly meet Cisna, the princess. Leonard grabs her hand and takes her to the Castle's underground passage in order to escape, unfortunately they find themselves at a dead end, and being attacked by a huge monster summoned by the Magi, here's where the princess does that magical thingy(I'm not spoiling the plot) and allows leonard to transform into the legendary White Knight which has been sleeping under the castle for thousands of years, now leonard possessing the power of the white knight is able to repel the Magi assault to the town, but he's dumb enough to let an average grunt kidnap the princess >.>. from now on Leonard and his friends must embark on a quest to save the world form the mysterious magi plan of resurrecting the rest of the "Knights" using the princess powers.

Ok, so how does a game like this can go wrong?
Simple. the incredible boring combat, the horrible and repetitive outdoor areas, and the fact that you'll be fighting the same 4 enemies the ENTIRE game, thats right the same worms, bees wolves and trolls you fight at the tutorial, are the same enemies you'll fight until the end of the game, even the bosses are just re-skinned versions of the average enemies, same attacks, same animations, just different colors and sizes.
another big problem with the game is the difficulty... it's retardly EASY, you can easily beat the game under 15 hours just spamming the "X" button, no enemy on the entire game has a chance against the White Knight, and if its not enough after the first half of the game another character will join Leonard, and guess what... he's also a knight. the Dragon Knight, making the game even more easy that it already is...
1 Knight = overwhelming, 2 Knights = Chuck Norris plagium... This also makes the rest of the characters in your team who doesn't have a knight completely useless and out of context... why include them in the game then? who knows. Its also a waste that the game includes an incredible combo system, on which you can custom your own combos moves, ranging a great variety of weapons, too bad those moves are for fashion only, because never in the whole game they'll be needed, it's much easier to switch to Leonard, Trasform into the white knight, bring the apocalypse to every living thing on the level and finish it under 5 minutes... neither the games encourages you to develop your characters to higher levels. because its not really necessary, and even if it does, it would be too boring...

Conclusion: White Knight Chronicles, is a disappointing experience, even the most diehard fans of the RPG genre will find it tedious, easy and boring. The only thing that saves it form being a completely failure it's the interesting characters, the well narrated story, the immersive and inspired music, and the great overall game visual design.


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